Pope John Paul II Canonized a Saint!!

In light of Pope John Paul II's canonization into Sainthood today, I have a little story. When I was living in Munich in the early 1980's I befriended a well-known and well respected journalistic photographer, Albert Ruf. He was commissioned to go to Rome, Vatican City, and photograph Pope John Paul II. I asked him if I could have a couple copies when he came back as my grandmother and mother both would love to have a photo hanging in their homes. My family has priests, monsignors, core bishops, arch bishops, nuns and mother superiors on my Lebanese side. Well, Albert did one better; he had the photo's and other prints blessed by Pope John Paul II himself. 

Pope John Paul II

Back of Photo

These photo's still hang in my parents house and I believe at my grandmothers house. I took one of the photo's out of the frame and took a pic of the front and back for your viewing pleasure. Pope John Paul II was canonized a Saint and he blessed my picture. How awesome is that.......


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